2015 Goals/Resolutions

I know it’s a bit late, but I had two weeks off at the start of the year and missed all of the end of year/start of year stuff so expect them in dribs and drabs over the next week or so!


I’m not one to make resolutions really, but I do have some goals this year:

1. Find a good job (sounds simple right?).
2. Be more organised, especially with blogging. I’m want to post less at the beginning of the year to build up some content so I’m not always behind or get bogged down when life gets busy.
3. Request less ARCs and read more of the books on my real-life shelves.
4. Promote my etsy shop!
5. Go to the dentist/doctors more – take care of myself better (I already went to the dentist – woo me)!
6. Save money (after I’ve found a job of course).
7. Change the look of my blog.
8. Work on more original content – less memes!

I think that about covers it!

Author: lipsyy

Creative Writing graduate. A Northerner in London. I probably love books a bit too much. Also enjoy vampires, unicorns, man love, tennis & can't get enough of trashy teen novels. I find myself thinking 'What Would Buffy Do?' way too frequently. HIYA!

4 thoughts on “2015 Goals/Resolutions”

  1. Those are all great goals. Job searching can certainly be stressful, so good luck with that. I’m trying to get ahead of myself with posts too, but it’s something I really struggle with. Good luck!

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