Top Ten Tuesday: Music & Books #TTT


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the link to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.

This week the topic is…all about music & books

I haven’t joined in with TTT for a while now. I decided I wanted to concentrate more on original blog content than too many memes, but I’ll still be joining in when the topic excites me. For my take on this topic I’ve chosen to do books I love that have a musical theme or characters.


  1. Lost Souls: Poppy Z Brite
  2. Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist: Cohn & Levithan
  3. Stargirl: Jerry Spinelli
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower: Stephen Chbosky 
  5. To Major Tom: Dave Thompson


  6. The Crow: James O’Barr
  7. Will Grayson, Will Grayson: John Green & David Levithan
  8. The Morganville Vampires series: Rachel Caine
  9. The Vampire Lestat: Anne Rice
  10. Seraphina: Rachel Hartman

Have you tried any of these? What did I miss out?


Author: lipsyy

Creative Writing graduate. A Northerner in London. I probably love books a bit too much. Also enjoy vampires, unicorns, man love, tennis & can't get enough of trashy teen novels. I find myself thinking 'What Would Buffy Do?' way too frequently. HIYA!

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