WWW Wednesday (30/10/2013)


To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading? • What did you recently finish reading? • What do you think you’ll read next?

I have had a serious lull in reading this past week or, I just can’t seem to stick with anything. It happens sometimes. I don’t think it’s a reflection on the books, I’ve just not been in the mood. Hopefully, it won’t last long!

Here’s what I’ve been up to:


Currently Reading: The Wolves of Midwinter by Anne Rice. I’m still reading this and have barely even scratched the surface. Last week I didn’t get much reading time, and this week I just haven’t been feeling it. But it’s a NetGalley review so I will persevere. I also picked up City of Ashes which is a reread. I thought something light and familiar would help me get back in the mood…I’ll get back to you on that one.

Recently Finished: I finished Human Remains by Elizabeth Haynes (Review here) and I didn’t finish Good Omens.

I was travelling at the weekend and you know what the worst thing EVER is? When you’re stuck on a 4 hour train journey with a book that you don’t want to read. Seriously, I think I have some hidden hatred for Neil Gaiman or something because I just CAN NOT READ HIS BOOKS. The only one I managed to get through without hating was Stardust. I tried really hard to get into Good Omens but it just sounded like the ramblings of two mad men to me and I gave up just past the 100 page mark.

Up Next: Hopefully I can get geared up for this ARC of Orbital Kin by James E. Parsons!


After an unusual disease breaks out and begins to threaten the country, a group of postgraduate students at a British university focus their research upon it, aiming to find out the cause and the cure.
The experimentations move out to space stations soon enough, in hope of a cure being produced while more mysterious events take place. The two graduate students find success, breakthroughs and the sudden spreading illness takes them in directions they never expected.
Can university graduates Steven and Alan save the country from the spread of the disease? Only time will tell…
(Synopsis from Goodreads)

Leave a comment with your link and I’ll check them out!

Author: lipsyy

Creative Writing graduate. A Northerner in London. I probably love books a bit too much. Also enjoy vampires, unicorns, man love, tennis & can't get enough of trashy teen novels. I find myself thinking 'What Would Buffy Do?' way too frequently. HIYA!

13 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (30/10/2013)”

  1. I understand how you feel about Neil Gaiman. His books can be hard to get into sometimes. I did enjoy Good Omens, but it took me forever to get through American Gods. I finally did, and it was worth it in the end, but boy did it take a long time!

  2. hahaha, that is so funny, I am sure it IS the ramblings of two madmen. oh well, at least you tried! Bummer it was while you had nothing else to read. I have been giving up on books here and there lately, I just don’t have the time to force myself to be bored. lol

    1. Ha true, but unf not in a good way! 😦 I know exactly what you mean, too many things to do to spend time on something you’re not enjoying! A lot of ppl seem to be in the same book-funk boat…maybe it’s something in the air!

      1. I think it is because the world seems to speed up at the end of the year and we are all a little more stressed and less able to relax into reading. I am finding I have to stick with quick and flashy stuff that sucks me in quickly and easily. I am distracted too easily otherwise!! Good luck with your funk, try the tried and true stuff and maybe it will help get you out of it

  3. I completely understand what you mean about Neil Gaiman. While I love Coraline and The Graveyard Book, it took me ages to get through American Gods, and I completely gave up on Stardust after a few chapters because I just couldn’t get into it. I’ve also read his short story collection M is for Magic which took way longer than I expected, and Odd and the Frost Giants which I did like but not as much as Coraline and The Graveyard Book.

    Hopefully you’ll feel in the mood to read again soon!

    1. I want to love his books so much because the stories are amazing, it must just be his writing style I don’t get on with but I can’t pinpoint what or why! I’ve been told to try his audiobooks, so I might give that a go as a last resort!

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