Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts #7

This meme is hosted by the Bookishly Boisterous and the idea is simple. It’s a round-up of your week, in and out of book world. A place to store your thoughts, and basically anything you’d like to share on your blog.

Highlights and notable findings of the last few weeks have included…

1. A Day by the Seaside: I went to Brighton and marched with some mermaids, ate the best fresh mackerel I’ve ever had and found an amazing antique bookshop. Bliss.

2. Wedding Bells: My friend’s wedding last weekend was amazing, and the reception at Brocket Hall was stunning. Way too much wine was consumed, and definitely too much dancing like an idiot happened, but that’s what it’s all about right? Also, what did people do at weddings before the photobooth craze? So brilliant!

3. Blogging Perks: When one of your favourite authors emails you…mind blown. I got an email from James Frey after he saw my rant about the Goodreads Trolls slagging off his new book before they’ve even read it. Insert fangirling here. I’m stunned that he saw my blog in the first place never mind caring so much to get in touch with me, and saying nice things, AND sending me the book. 🙂

4. Filmage: I’ve seen two awesome but very different films at the cinema so far this month. The Purge Anarchy was ridiculous and violently epic – just how I like it, and Guardians of the Galaxy was hilarious and unexpectedly my film of the year so far. When did Chris Pratt get ALL THE BITS?

5. The Cutest Thing Ever: I can't draw at all. But maybe this will help? I need to find the time to sit down and perfect my own unicorn, for if there’s one thing I should be able to draw, it should be a unicorn.


6. Book Slump: OK so being in a book slump isn’t a highlight but it does mean I’ve been watching more TV than usual. I watched both series of Hannibal in the space of two weekends. Oh man, it’s so good. I’m totally in love with Will Graham, obviously. He’s unhinged and hot – lethal combination.


7. Twitter Lolz: Inigo Montoya started toying with me on Twitter. Inconceivable!

8. To Prologue or Not to Prologue: I really enjoyed this article on prologues. I’ve always hated prologues and been told that publishers hate them too, but this article explores when it’s OK to use a prologue, as well as when it’s not.

9. Sloth Cam: I’m kind of obsessed with this. Having it open on my computer at work makes me happy. Not productive, but happy.

10. Join In!

An Apology!

I probably chose the worst time to start a blog so soz about the lack of reviews/updates. But y’know this has been happening….

I wish I owned these but I don't. Click Image for Source.
I wish I owned these but I don’t. Click Image for Source.


Epic end to an epic match!
Epic end to an Epic Match!

And this also happened:

Fun in the Sun!
Fun in the Sun!

Eurovision & Brighton May 2013 036

We did spot a second hand book stall on the seafront in Brighton though; 3 paperbacks for £6, which was exciting until we realised there was nothing we wanted and/or hadn’t read.

Eurovision & Brighton May 2013 047

I’m almost done with Bitterblue…I don’t want it to end!

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