An Apology!

I probably chose the worst time to start a blog so soz about the lack of reviews/updates. But y’know this has been happening….

I wish I owned these but I don't. Click Image for Source.
I wish I owned these but I don’t. Click Image for Source.


Epic end to an epic match!
Epic end to an Epic Match!

And this also happened:

Fun in the Sun!
Fun in the Sun!

Eurovision & Brighton May 2013 036

We did spot a second hand book stall on the seafront in Brighton though; 3 paperbacks for £6, which was exciting until we realised there was nothing we wanted and/or hadn’t read.

Eurovision & Brighton May 2013 047

I’m almost done with Bitterblue…I don’t want it to end!

Author: lipsyy

Creative Writing graduate. A Northerner in London. I probably love books a bit too much. Also enjoy vampires, unicorns, man love, tennis & can't get enough of trashy teen novels. I find myself thinking 'What Would Buffy Do?' way too frequently. HIYA!

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