My Soul Immortal by Jen Printy

Title: My Soul Immortal
Author: Jen Printy
Series: Fated Eternals #1
Edition: Digital Review Copy, 310 pages
Publication Details: February 15th 2014 by Red Adept Publishing, LLC
Genre(s): Paranormal Romance
Disclosure? Yep! I received a free copy in exchange for an HONEST review.

Goodreads // Amazon

An endless love, for an endless price.

Jack’s immortality is exposed when he prevents a liquor store heist, forcing him to flee to protect his secret—a secret not even he understands. But when he meets Leah Winters—a mirror image of his decades-lost love, Lydia—his very soul is laid bare. He begins to question his sanity. Is she real, and if so, what does that mean for Jack and his secret?

Jack’s not the only mystery man in town. A stranger named Artagan hints at knowledge Jack is desperate to possess. But can he trust Artagan, or does the dark newcomer harbor deadly secrets of his own?

As Jack’s bond with Leah grows, so does the danger to her life. Jack must discover just how much he is willing to risk in order to save the woman he already lost once


My Soul Immortal was such a shock to me; I could not put it down, and found it to be a well-written, unique take on the paranormal romance genre, which let’s face it – gets pretty tiresome pretty quickly.

The first book in the Fated Eternals series introduces us to Jack. He’s tall and handsome, he loves books, and he’s immortal…what more could you want?

When Jack gets shot playing the hero in a robbery he has no choice but to pack his (minimal) belongings and choose a new place to live. He can’t risk being found out. A dart to a map decides his fate, and fate it really is, as once there he bumps into Leah (literally), who is the spitting image of his soul mate, Lydia, whom he has spent years trying to forget.

As Leah and Jack realise that their bond is stronger than anything they have ever known, and Leah finally understands that her weird dreams were in fact memories of her past life with Jack, they find themselves in increasing danger, and Jack is not prepared to lose her again.

Like I said earlier, I couldn’t put this book down. I read it in two sittings, over two days and I loved it! I thought the whole past-life, fated eternals thing really made this a different kind of paranormal romance story, and I loved that Jack was simply immortal, not a fang in sight. 🙂

The only slightly negative things I have to say about this book is that at first I thought Jack’s characterisation was a bit off – I think Printy struggled in writing from a male point of view and some of the things he said and thought about didn’t quite ring true to who he was. And the other, was that I didn’t write this review straight after finishing the book (my bad), and when I came to start it, it took me a while to even remember what had happened, so as much I enjoyed it at the time I can’t say it was a memorable read for me.

However, I do remember how hooked I was, and how much I enjoyed Jen Printy’s writing. I hope to read more from her; I wouldn’t hesitate to pick up the next in this series!

unicorn rating 4

This Week in Books 19.08.15 #TWIB


Welcome to my weekly post, where I sum-up what I’ve been up to in bookland the past week.


Now: Memoirs of a Dipper ~ Nell Leyshon // The Turning Test ~ Chris Beckett

Nell Leyshon is doing a talk and Q&A session in the prison library I work in tomorrow so I thought I better check out her book. I’m really enjoying it and hopefully tomorrow will go well!

The Turing Test is my lunch time read – it’s pretty insane. In a good way.

Then: My Soul Immortal ~Jen Printy

This was such an addictive, quick read. Loved it! My review will be up next week.

Next: ???

It’s back to the review request pile, so the next one will be This Crumbling Pageant by Patricia Burroughs.

I’m Waiting On…

(Linking up with Breaking the Spine)

Vengeance Road ~ Erin Bowman

The cover drew me to this one!

vengeanceroadWhen Kate Thompson’s father is killed by the notorious Rose Riders for a mysterious journal that reveals the secret location of a gold mine, the eighteen-year-old disguises herself as a boy and takes to the gritty plains looking for answers and justice. What she finds are devious strangers, dust storms, and a pair of brothers who refuse to quit riding in her shadow. But as Kate gets closer to the secrets about her family, she gets closer to the truth about herself and must decide if there’s room for love in a heart so full of hate.

In the spirit of True Grit, the cutthroat days of the Wild West come to life for a new generation.

Expected Publication: September 1st 2015 by HMH Books for Young Readers

So, that’s my week in books, now how about yours?

If you still do a similar WWW post (or just want to join in, leave your link/answers in the comments, OR why not tweet using #TWIB, and I’ll come and visit!

This Week in Books 12.08.15


Welcome to my weekly post, where I sum-up what I’ve been up to in bookland the past week.


Now: My Soul Immortal ~Jen Printy

Really enjoying this so far, it’s pretty addictive!

Then: Wonder Light ~ R.R Russell

I’m so glad I stuck this one out. I didn’t love it at the beginning but I did by the end! My review will up next week.

Next: ???

It’s back to the review request pile, so the next one will be Prophecy of Stones by Mishka Jenkins.

New on the Shelf

(Linking up with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews) and Friday Finds hosted by A Daily Rhythm.

Purchased: I am completely broke at the moment so I’m back on a book buying ban!

Netgalley: I was approved for The Poison Artist by Jonathan Moore which was my WoW pick last week. That’s twice in row that’s happened. Whoop! More info here.

I’m Waiting On…

(Linking up with Breaking the Spine)

Our Lady of the Ice ~ Cassandra Rose Clarke

I haven’t read anything by this author (The Assassin’s Curse; The Pirates Wish) yet, but I’ve fallen in love with the cover and premise of this one!

Hope City, Antarctica. The southernmost city in the world, with only a glass dome and a faltering infrastructure to protect its citizens from the freezing, ceaseless winds of the Antarctic wilderness. Within this bell jar four people–some human, some not–will shape the future of the city forever:

Eliana Gomez, a female PI looking for a way to the mainland.

Diego Amitrano, the right-hand man to the gangster who controls the city’s food come winter.

Marianella Luna, an aristocrat with a dangerous secret.

Sofia, an android who has begun to evolve.

But the city is evolving too, and in the heart of the perilous Antarctic winter, factions will clash, dreams will shatter, and that frozen metropolis just might boil over… Expected Publication: October 27th 2015 by Saga Press

So, that’s my week in books, now how about yours?

If you still do a similar WWW post (or just want to join in, leave your link/answers in the comments, OR why not tweet using #TWIB, and I’ll come and visit!

Book Promo: My Soul Immortal by Jen Printy

Today I have a great promo post for you, for Jen Printy’s YA Paranormal Romance My Soul Immortal. I’ll be reviewing this in near future, which I look forward to (especially after watching that awesome trailer), but here’s a little teaser in the mean time!

msiTitle: My Soul Immortal
Author: Jen Printy
Series: Fated Eternals #1
Genre(s): Paranormal Romance
Page Count: 310
Format(s): Paperback; Kindle
Published: February 15th 2014 by Red Adept Publishing, LLC



Jack’s immortality is exposed when he prevents a liquor store heist, forcing him to flee to protect his secret—a secret not even he understands. But when he meets eighteen-year-old Leah Winters—a mirror image of his decades-lost love, Lydia—his very soul is laid bare. He begins to question his sanity. Is she real, and if so, what does that mean for Jack and his secret?Jack’s not the only mystery man in town. A stranger named Artagan hints at knowledge Jack is desperate to possess. But can he trust Artagan, or does the dark newcomer harbor deadly secrets of his own?As Jack’s bond with Leah grows, so does the danger to her life. Jack must discover just how much he is willing to risk in order to save the woman he already lost once.

An endless love, for an endless price.

Book Trailer


Meet the Author

Since childhood, Jen Printy has been writing. Whether working on stories about a fantasy world or everyday life in Maine, Jen loved losing herself in the worlds she created on paper. The arts in all forms have always been an important part of Jen’s life, a love instilled in her by her father. When Jen isn’t writing, she’s sculpting as a freelance doll artist.

Jen lives with her husband, two daughters, and diva dog Cookie in southern Maine, where she loves spending time friends and family, finding treasures along the seashore, or enjoying a Guinness at her favorite local pub.

What People Are Saying About My Soul Immortal

“I loved it!! Every aspect.” – Michaela, Goodreads

My Soul Immortal by Jen Printy is a beautiful tale of love, loss and second chances.”

– Dianne, Goodreads

“I look forward to seeing what new adventures book two will bring.” Pink Fluffy Hearts

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