Bookish (and not to bookish) Thoughts #3

This meme is hosted by the Bookishly Boisterous and the idea is simple. It’s a round-up of your week, in and out of book world. A place to store your thoughts, and basically anything you’d like to share on your blog.

1. Easter Funtimes: Did everyone have a good Easter? I did! I drank too much, ate too much, watched a lot films and generally just lazed about. I really enjoy not being at work.

2. Locke: On Friday I went to the cinema to see Locke. It is basically Tom Hardy driving a car, talking on the phone and being angry and sad for about 90 minutes. Hot! It’s not the kind of film you’d watch more than once, but I enjoyed it. Obviously! Also, I NEED this in my life:

3. Books Bound in Human Skin: How creepy/cool is this guardian article? The macabre art of anthropodermic bibliopegy is a bit of a mouthful, also, a good pretentious band name.

4. Search Terms Advice Column: I found some really awesome new blogs last week and this one had me stitches. I’ve posted about hilarious search terms before but Captain Awkward takes it one step further.

5. Fancy Dress: So I went to a friend’s baby shower last weekend, which was Disney themed. It was a lot of fun, but the idea of having to get a costume together was a bit of an annoyance. I used to love fancy dress, and would go all out. For an 80s birthday party one year I dressed as a giant rubix cube. I couldn’t pee all night, and people kept leaving drinks on me (winning!). So I don’t really know where my new-found hatred of fancy dress has come from. Has it happened? Am I old and grumpy now?

6. OMG GoT! I try not to give away any spoilers about anything so all I can say is episode 2 of Game of Thrones…SRSLY O.M.G!

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