Top Ten Tuesday: Character Names

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (Click the image to visit them). This week the theme is Top Ten Character Names.

This is a weird one for me. At first I completely drew a blank. Do Character names really have much impact on me? And then I realised how easily bad character names annoy me, (I could do a great Top Ten bad Character Names!) so I realised that they must mean something!

Here’s what I came up with.

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  1. Tristran Thorn, Stardust: Tristan is my all time favourite name which stems from Tristan & Iseult and also The Patrick Wolf song. Although officially Gaiman’s character is called Tristran, I still say Tristan in my head. Either way, the name Tristran Thorn is perfect for that character. Perfect!
  2. Abra Stone, Doctor Sleep: Abra was my favourite character in Doctor Sleep. It’s a strange name but it works. And I loved that her email address went Cadabra@…pretty cool.
  3. Celaena Sardothien, Throne of Glass: I think Celaena’s name is pretty much perfect. It sounds kick-ass and pretty at the same time. Exactly how a beautiful yet deadly assassin should sound.
  4. Katsa, Graceling: Same as above really, Katsa just suits her. It’s unique and ballsy.
  5. Lestat De Lioncourt, The Vampire Chronicles: Lestat? That is all.
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  7. Barbie, Under the Dome: Dale Barbara is an Iraq vet turned short-order cook with a penchant for doing the right thing, even though he clearly has his secrets. I love that his nickname  Barbie stuck, because it just doesn’t suit him at first, but somehow it’s perfect. It really warmed me to him.
  8. Stargirl, Stargirl: Stargirl is everything you would think a character called that would be. ‘From the day she arrives at quiet Mica High in a burst of color and sound, hallways hum “Stargirl.”’
  9. Ariel Manto, The End of Mr Y: Ariel is just one of those characters I always remember. It’s a simple name, but I like saying it.
  10. Princess Bitterblue, Bitterblue: Another one from The Graceling Trilogy, as far as princess names go, this one is pretty cool.
  11. Christian Grey, Fifty Shades of Grey: Whether you’re a fan of this or not, Christian Grey is now a household name. The mere mention of it sends ladies everywhere into a frenzy!




Author: lipsyy

Creative Writing graduate. A Northerner in London. I probably love books a bit too much. Also enjoy vampires, unicorns, man love, tennis & can't get enough of trashy teen novels. I find myself thinking 'What Would Buffy Do?' way too frequently. HIYA!

12 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Character Names”

  1. I love that you included Barbie! That cracked me up when I read Under the Dome. So many good ones here — Stargirl, Lestat, Abra… what a great list!

  2. This is awesome! Now my head is reeling with ideas and I have an hour and a half of student conferences before I can even think about what I would write about!

  3. Tristan Thorn is such a magical sounding name. Perfect for his character like you said. And I haven’t read Throne of Glass but I love the name Calaena. Great list!

  4. ah, some great names and books on here! Firstly you have one of Gaiman’s books so colour me happy! Bitterblue I haven’t read yet but loved Graceling and Fire so don’t know why the delay.
    Lastly, No.10 – how could you, think of all those ladies out there now suffering from red flushes and all frazzled because you mentioned THAT name. Fortunately I’m no lady so I’m immune to his charms!
    Lynn 😀

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