Lazy Saturday Review: Hold Me Closer by David Levithan

Title: Hold Me Closer: The Tiny Cooper Story
Author: David Levithan
Series: Companion to Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Edition: Paperback, 256 pages
Publication Details: March 17th 2015 by Puffin
Genre(s): YA; LGBT
Disclosure? Nope, I bought it

Goodreads // Purchase

Larger-than-life character Tiny Cooper, from the bestselling novel Will Grayson, Will Grayson, finally tells his own story the only way he knows how – as a stupendous musical.

This is the full script of Hold Me Closer, the musical written by and staring Tiny Cooper, from the New York Times bestselling novel Will Grayson, Will Grayson, written by David Levithan and John Green. Filled with humour, pain, and ‘big, lively, belty’ musical numbers, readers will finally learn the full story of Tiny Cooper from his birth and childhood to his quest for love and his infamous eighteen ex-boyfriends.


I loved John Green & David Levithan’s Will Grayson, Will Grayson. It’s a beautiful coming of age story about two different Will Grayson’s who both struggle to be open with people for different reasons, and whose lives intertwine during the makings of the biggest, gayest high school musical in the history of high school musicals.

When I finished reading WG, all I could think was that I wanted to watch (or read) Tiny Cooper’s musical so badly, it was definitely one of my favourite things about the book – and here it is; The story of Tiny Cooper, BFF to Will Grayson, hopeless romantic, and self-proclaimed biggest, gayest, most fabulous human there ever lived!

Hold Me Closer is a funny, adorable, sometimes sad, but always fabulous story of Tiny cooper’s life, written as a musical, the very musical Tiny and Will worked so hard to produce in Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I loved it. The songs were great and funny, and I could picture exactly how it would look on a stage – it totally needs to be a stage show now, right?

It was exactly what I imagined from reading Will Grayson, I only wished it was longer! Hold Me Closer is an extremely quick read and easily devoured in one sitting. I highly recommend reading WG first, but it would probably still be a fun read regardless!

unicorn rating 4

Available now in hardback, paperback and e-book from Waterstones

Top Ten Tuesday: You don’t write, you don’t call…where’s the love?

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish (click the link to visit them) who pick a different topic each week.

The topic for this week is: Ten characters I’d like to check in with (as in who you’d like to catch up with and see what they’re up to).

**Beware they may be spoilers ahead**

Ari and Dante // Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe: It’s only been a few weeks since I finished this book but I already want an update! Has Dante completely come out, are him and Ari going to live happily ever after??? Ahhhh.

James Frey // A Million Little Pieces/ My Friend Leonard: I’d like to know if James has stayed on the wagon and what he’s up to. I hope he’s found happiness & love!

Katsa, Po and Princess Bitterblue // The Graceling Realm: I don’t need an excuse to catch up with these awesome characters. I just wanna hang with them!


Jack // Room: I want to know how Jack grew up, what’s he like? What does he remember about his time in the room and how has it affected him?

Gale // The Hunger Games: Let’s face it, Gale is never far from my thoughts. Where you at Gale?


Claire Graham // Of Scars and Stardust: I loved this book so much. I want to check in on poor Claire and see if she’s still institutionalised!

Everyone from The Darkest Part of the Forest: I loved them all. I’m really hoping that Holly Black will give in and write a sequel to this; I need to know how Hazel, Jack, Ben and the horned boy are!

Tiny Cooper // Will Grayson, Will Grayson / Hold Me Closer: Why isn’t Tiny Cooper my BBF, WHY? I want to know what’s going on in his life! Did he find lasting love???


Bella, Edward & Jacob (ugh) // Twilight: It kind of goes without saying that I want to check up on this lot. Mainly just to make sure Jacob is behaving. Team Edward til I die. lol.

Winnie and Tuck // Tuck Everlasting: I’d love to know how Winnie and Tuck’s lives played out. Did Winnie ever see Tuck again? Did she live her life differently knowing the secret to immortality? Has Tuck stayed under the radar?


This Week In Books 11.03.15


Welcome to my new Wednesday post, where I sum-up what I’ve been up to in bookland the past week.

Now: Aristotle and Date Discover the Secrets of the Universe ~ Ben Alire Sáenz

I knew I would love this book! It’s going to be one of those reviews where I just want to quote from it all the time – it’s written beautifully.

Then: The Frenchman ~ Lesley Young

I was pleasantly surprised by this quick, steamy read. My review went up on monday. View it here. I also finished The Martian by Andy Weir, which I liked but didn’t love.

Next: ???

I have quite a few ARCs from Netgalley to start, plus Heir of Fire which I still haven’t read. And Rebel Belle which finally arrived!

New on the Shelf

(Linking up with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews)

Purchased: I finally got round to buying Rebel Belle by which arrived at the weekend.
rebelbelleHarper Price, peerless Southern belle, was born ready for a Homecoming tiara. But after a strange run-in at the dance imbues her with incredible abilities, Harper’s destiny takes a turn for the seriously weird. She becomes a Paladin, one of an ancient line of guardians with agility, super strength and lethal fighting instincts.

Just when life can’t get any more disastrously crazy, Harper finds out who she’s charged to protect: David Stark, school reporter, subject of a mysterious prophecy and possibly Harper’s least favorite person. But things get complicated when Harper starts falling for him—and discovers that David’s own fate could very well be to destroy Earth.

Netgalley: I was approved for Ice Kissed by Amanda Hocking, so now I need to read the first book Frost Fire, which I’ve been meaning to read for ages. Loving the covers! Ice Kissed is released May 5th.

icekissedBryn Aven has always longed to be a part of the Kanin world.

Though she has no social status because she’s a half-breed, she refuses to give up on her dream of serving the kingdom she loves. It’s a dream that brings her to a whole new realm . . . the glittering palace of the Skojare.

The Skojare people need protection from the same brutal rival who’s been threatening the Kanin, and, being half Skojare herself, it’s a chance for Bryn to learn more about her heritage. Her boss Ridley Dresden is overseeing her mission and wants to help. He’s always been her most trusted friend—but as their undeniable attraction heats up, he becomes a distraction she can’t afford.

Brynn is about to discover that the Skojare world is full of secrets, and as she’s drawn in deeper and deeper, she doesn’t know who to trust. As she gets closer to Ridley, she realizes she may not even be able to trust her own heart.

Borrowed: I didn’t borrow any books this week. I still have two or three of my friend Dora’s which I haven’t got round to reading yet.

I’m Waiting on…

(Linking up with Breaking the Spine)

Hold Me Closer: The Tiny Cooper Story ~ David Levithan
I loved Will Grayson so much, and Tiny was my favorite character. Can NOT wait for this one!
It’s Tiny Cooper’s turn in the spotlight in this companion novel to New York Times bestseller Will Grayson, Will Grayson.

Jazz hands at the ready! Tiny Cooper (“the world’s largest person who is also really, really gay”) stole readers’ hearts when he was introduced to the world in the New York Times bestselling book Will Grayson, Will Grayson, co-authored by John Green and David Levithan. Now Tiny finally gets to tell his story—from his fabulous birth and childhood to his quest for true love and his infamous parade of ex-boyfriends—the way he always intended: as a musical! Filled with honesty, humor, and “big, lively, belty” musical numbers, the novel is told through the full script of the musical first introduced in Will Grayson, Will Grayson.
Expected publication: March 17th 2015

So, that’s my week in books, now how about yours?

If you still do a similar WWW post (or just want to join in, leave your link/answers in the comments, OR why not tweet using #ThisWeekInBooks, and I’ll come and visit!

February on Lipsyy Lost & Found // March Releases

Oh February, where did you go!?

Some good things happened in February; I got a job – maybe my dream job, even – we shall see! I still don’t have a start date as I have to undergo a series of security checks, so it doesn’t seem real enough to announce yet. There’s no reason why I wouldn’t pass the checks, but I don’t want to jinx it. So watch this space!

I was still really busy with working shifts this feb (six days a week!), which impacted on my blogging but hey-ho. There is now light at the end of the tunnel. Hurrah!

Feb 2015 Stats

Total Posts: 16
Books Read: 5

Reviews (4)

  • When Mystical Creatures Attack! by Kathleen Founds, 2/5 (View)
  • Sixteen, Sixty-One by Natalie Lucas, 3/5 (View)
  • Me & Mr J by Rachel McIntyre, 2/5 (View)
  • The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, 4/5 (View)

Read But Not Yet Reviewed: 3

  • Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse by Chris Riddell
  • Goth Girl and the Fete Worse Than Death by Chris Riddell
  • The Ghosts of Heaven by Marcus Sedgwick

The Breakdown

Most Surprising: When Mystical Creatures Attack!
Most Disappointing: When Mystical Creatures Attack!
Most Exciting: Red Queen
Most Swoon-worthy: Red Queen
Most Beautifully Written: Red Queen

Genres: YA (5/5); Fantasy (3/5); Contemporary (2/5); Dystopia (1/5)

Formats/Sources: Advance Copy (3/5); Digital (3/5); Hardback (2/5); Owned (2/5)

Friday Features:

  • Spell Out Your Name With Fictional Characters (View Post)
  • Alice, Alice, Who the **** Is Alice (View Post)

Guest Posts, Promos and Other Highlights:

    • Eve Brenner: Zombie Girl (View Post)
    • Dumped: Stories of Women Unfriending Women (View Post)
    • Upcoming Event: Children’s Book Launch in Association With Born Free ( View Post)

Most Viewed Posts:

          1. This Week in Books 04.02.15 (View Post)
          2. Book Promo: Dumped ~ Stories of Women Unfriending Women (View Post)
          3. Top Ten Tuesday: I Can’t Believe I haven’t Started These YA Series Yet (View Post)




        I still haven’t received this after pre-ordering it so I’ve cancelled my order. Damn You, Amazon! I should know better by now…sigh!

        March Releases

        Here are some of the March releases I’m most excited about:


        Available to buy or pre-order from Waterstones.

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